Friday, April 19, 2019

Maybe a Poet ~ More Likely Insane

I am a stargazer,
dreamer, word gatherer
who lives in ink and
the rustle of paper.

Pictures speak, grass sings,
and I feel the color blue
in a hand full of sky.

I spend hours on nothing
and minutes on everything.

You never know where I am
when I’m sitting next to you.
I could be in a chair or walking
on the moon.

©Susie Clevenger 2019



  1. I love this poem SO MUCH! Too many great lines to quote.........fantastic, Susie!

  2. Beautifully said. The last stanza is pure delight....a poet's problem (we're always off somewhere)

  3. I feel the color blue
    in a hand full of sky.
    ... that is lovely!

  4. It is true that an artist is always surrounded by inspiration, and the imagination to turn it into something greater than itself.

  5. So very romantic, Susie. Not love type, rather Hippie girl type that I like, dreamy in a crazy weird way. I enjoyed my read.
    p.s. I've recovered. For now.

  6. My goodness this is stunning!!❤️ I love "Pictures speak, grass sings,
    and I feel the color blue in a hand full of sky."❤️

  7. Wonderful wanderers are poets. You have captured that perfectly.

  8. Nothing insane about that! (It's those who don't notice these things who are mad.)
