Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Angel of Absurdity

Let turtles roam my tombstone,
invite wild, wicked lightning
to be the moon above my grave.

Plant nettles at my feet
where their sting can strike fools,
and their medicine can draw healers.

I will be a mongrel at rest,
a nest of ethnicities that
confuses Ancetry.com with
a plethora of connected non connections. 

Engrave my granite headstone or failing concrete
with, “She was once alive and sarcastic,
now she is Pheme the revealer of all your secrets.”

©Susie Clevenger 2025

In Greek mythology, Pheme is the goddess of fame, rumor, and gossip. 



  1. Trouble is, the worst of us don't even try to hide their perfidy anymore. Still, I love the idea of this thorny spirit.

  2. as a nest of ethnicities myself, I love this ~

  3. I love "She was once alive and sarcastic." We all like you that way, Susie!

  4. I only hope my grave will yield this strong a dose of spirit, attitude and inspiration to anyone stopping there, for healing or for spite. I love "..a plethora of connected non connections..." which describes the great melting pot of ethnicities that makes us strong, and the mythology is as welcome (and as spot on) as the sarcasm.

  5. Only such a scathing, revealing tongue can slice through our absurdities even from the grave. Yet the "nettles" can heal as well as sting.

  6. What a stunning last line. I love how you build the atmosphere- Jae
