Monday, March 17, 2025

No Sugar or Honey

With my tattered zombie hands
I force my redundant to chase
a cursor that doesn’t care I’ve
complained my way through
another white page. 

The fruit of most days isn’t
plucked from a tree of success,
but the callous repetition
of what I won’t release.

Honesty is a bitch.
She doesn’t baby my feelings.
There’s no sugar in my ear,
or honey on the bread of
my confessions. 

In the rawness of an untouched Monday
I look into a mirror I can’t manipulate,
or fool with a rose-colored tactic my bitterness
can be erased with a  gentle air brush,
and wonder if I have enough
lipstick to paint a smile. 

©Susie Clevenger 2025

Sometimes you just 
have to work on yourself.
Welcome to my therapy. 

Monday, March 10, 2025

Melting Doesn't Need a Match

I wish I could imagine
sky filled the space
between his skull,
but that would insult
the window to the moon.

There is coldness in the weeds
that cover his tongue, tiny barbs
he hopes will leave scars.

He hates I never buy a ticket
to his Meme and Repeat, and
that I have a library card where
shelves of history books prove
he’s only a bit actor in a theater of rerun.

It is funny to see him stand naked
while screaming he’s wearing Armani.

Mute is more threat than answer.
The man just doesn’t understand 
I know where and how to use my words.
There’s no use in striking a match
when a snowflake is already melting. 

©Susie Clevenger 2025

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Weight of an Apple

There’s lovely messiness with romance.
At least that is what the flower poets
plant on pages inamoratas harvest.

Elzeth is more practical.
She knows no matter how beautiful
the fruit looks on the apple tree
there is one that fools you with its rot.

Even stars with their diamond glitter
will lead you astray if your eyes aren’t
schooled in lessons from a telescope.

She is not without a wink and flirt,
but she has gathered too many stones
in her heart to not be cautious of
the illusion handsome means tender.

Yet ice will only stay frozen if heat
doesn’t bring its thaw, and Elzeth
is not immune to the right flame.

In the garden of sighs she is vigilant.
A kiss on her lips could be a path
through Eve’s Garden where there isn’t
a serpent to lead her to truth. 

©Susie Clevenger 2025

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Angel of Absurdity

Let turtles roam my tombstone,
invite wild, wicked lightning
to be the moon above my grave.

Plant nettles at my feet
where their sting can strike fools,
and their medicine can draw healers.

I will be a mongrel at rest,
a nest of ethnicities that
confuses with
a plethora of connected non connections. 

Engrave my granite headstone or failing concrete
with, “She was once alive and sarcastic,
now she is Pheme the revealer of all your secrets.”

©Susie Clevenger 2025

In Greek mythology, Pheme is the goddess of fame, rumor, and gossip. 


Friday, February 7, 2025

Check Bounce of Greed

They’re wanting you pale,
a darker shade you go to jail.
This is the same old,
lighter skin owns gold.
This is America growing billionaires,
picking and planning the never share.
The Eve of Destruction
is always under construction.
If you’re a woman,
you’re less than human.
Sadly a pregnant womb
is both life and tomb.
So many guns, no humanity.
Bullet brains feed insanity.
The Eve of Destruction
is always under construction.
Money says it can never slip up
because it always banks on the give up.
Streets are bleeding voices,
angry as hell they’re losing choices.
Different faces, different races
growing community, sharing spaces.
The Eve of Destruction
is always under construction…
But this time money slipped up
because it bet it all on give up.

©Susie Clevenger 2025

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

How Far Is Far When I Can’t Get Past Here

the stars are all ash
bit coins drank all the water
and free costs too much   
There’s little in the frig,
only a bottle of rage 
because the last peach
on the tree only lasted a day.

misogyny’s knack
for division and attack
replays same music

As a woman I don’t trust
the bats in his belfry 
don’t know my name,
because I’ve never played nice
or danced under a man’s thumb. 

so I question here
with my eyes focused there
plotting my escape

©Susie Clevenger 2025

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Resilience of a Sparrow

There are some dreams
that hang in the mind
like rotted meat, foul
yellowed voices void 
of mercy. 

I woke up this morning
chewing on last night’s
play of a dystopian king,
and pondered if there
was a toothbrush for the mind.

Growling my mood through
the early morning shadows
I found myself at my front door
staring out at the rarity of southern snow.

The white anomaly chastised my spirit
with wonder, and made me see
how the smallest sparrows were
not hindered by the powdered chill
assaulting their wings. 

Providence (Mother God or Sister Resilience)
whispered, “You know the fate of kings. 
You’ve walked quicksand before, and rose
when it tried to own your feet. 
There have always been tyrants.
For every brick placed on your chest
you’ve found the strength to break
through their mortar.” 
©Susie Clevenger 2025